What is The Confidence Diet?

Healthy Fit Woman

Take a step towards the health you are meant to have.

When you eat with confidence, there is no need to count calories, or weigh portions. You will be eating real food that tastes great. You will get to eat more often. How much fun is that? You will look good and feel great. The health that you are meant to have will naturally blossom within you. Eating with confidence is about including more varieties of foods, not about making anything off limits. There is no deprivation. You choose what foods to include to support your goals. These habits make up a lifestyle that is worth striving for because it is a sustainable way to support your health.

A big part of the Confidence Diet is an awareness that your day to day experience is fully based on the way you think. As Henry Ford said, “if you think you can, you can”. If you think and believe that the regular practice of eating simple non-processed foods will make your health goals a reality, it will.  If you accept that you are able to make a habit of healthy eating, you will adopt these habits. If you believe that you will get the same results as others who do this, then you will enjoy the benefits as well. In this regard, you must know in your heart and have confidence that you will succeed when you truly put your mind to eating with confidence.Blue Fountain

Letting go of old habits can be a difficult and challenging process. We must understand what beliefs our habits are based upon. What thoughts underlie your beliefs? Where did they come from? Do you truly agree with these thoughts or do you simply accept them because they have been drilled into your head? In his book “Evolve Your Brain”, Joe Dispensa talks about thought patterns (neurons that fire together) that have become so “hard wired”, they simply happen on their own. Our challenge, Dispensa says, is to notice when these thoughts are occurring. When an old thought pattern is “running”, that is the time to break up that neural network by choosing a new thought. Ideally, the new thought would be one you wish to replace the old thought with. The directive here is to literally “think again”. In practice, any new thought will begin to break down the old network and it’s beliefs. “Neurons that no longer fire together, will no longer wire together”, says Dispensa.

It is the combination of knowledge about what good food choices are along with an awareness of the thoughts and feelings that lead us away from poor choices that sets The Confidence Diet apart. Each of us has our own personal conflicts when it comes to eating habits. Resolving these conflicts is the basis for building the confidence we need to stay on the path to great health.

The Confidence Diet is suitable for people with specific dietary needs. In fact the diet is even more important for diabetics, vegetarians, or people facing any particular chronic health issue. If you fall into this category, your body is telling you it needs careful attention.


Vegetable Garden

Fresh whole foods are delicious!

There are no pre-packaged foods, liquid supplements, or pills you must buy or take. There are no required monthly fees. This is about supporting your body with real, whole food that is full of life energy. The only requirement is a commitment on your part to do your best in taking control of your own health by using a common sense approach. You can do this! You have the ability!

The fast pace of the modern world leaves many of us with little time or energy to prepare fresh food. Consequently, we often skip meals, or even worse, turn to “convenience” foods to handle the time crunch. As the demand for easy to fix meals has increased, the quality of these “foods” has decreased. Read the label of any typical product and see how many ingredients you recognize, let alone can pronounce. Grocery store shelves are stocked with soups, sauces, prepared food, and frozen meals that are loaded with salt, refined sugar and fat. While there is a movement towards reducing sodium, trans-fats, and high fructose corn syrup in processed foods, they are nonetheless processed and contain very little life energy when compared with unprocessed foods.

Smart shoppers have begun to recognize this, and some have turned to restaurants for better quality food. But many times the emphasis at these eateries is on entrees dominated by meat with a mere garnish of vegetables. There is a tendency toward rich, thick, sauces based on fat and sugar. This food sells because so many people are addicted to it. Such meals can leave a person with that heavy, stuffed feeling that we all know too well.

The Confidence Diet is about knowing that eating a variety of seasonal whole foods is the surest path to health. It is about having confidence that this a life long habit worth striving for. It is about having confidence in your own ability to create this habit.

It is is no surprise that the best food to support our health is food we prepare ourselves. With some basic kitchen skills, you can easily prepare nutritious, well rounded meals. The whole, fresh foods found around the outside edges of the grocery store are very economical when used wisely and can help you save money on your food bill. Eating these foods will also give you more energy, help you think more clearly, and look your best. In today’s world, people are becoming more and more aware of what they are eating. The old saying “You are What You Eat”, has never been more appropriate.

Visit the other posts on this blog and see if they sound like a good fit for you. When your ready, download one of the free reports so you can begin to learn how to have the health you deserve.

Yours in confidence,

Tom Castrigno – Author

Photo of Tom



Media Diet – Helping or Hurting?

There is a saying, “where attention goes, energy flows”. Ask yourself, what is the main theme of the media you read and watch each day?

Fear about uncertainty;

Outrage about unfairness;

Criticism about differences

Unless you seriously intend to take action based on “the news” or other programs, Ask yourself, “how is this information helping me”? Is the program leaving you feeling depleted or energized? Perhaps it’s time to consider different sources? There are lots of channels out there. Tune in to the ones that truly help you. Ones that focus on:

Positive things being done to improve the lives of others

Success stories of people overcoming obstacles

Ways each of us can become more self aware

It is important to be aware about what is happening in the world. But if you are letting those events dominate your energy in a negative way, you are only adding fuel to the fire. If you are unable to focus on a solution to the problem, let the issue go.

By taking care of your self first, you will have more energy to help others.

To see how a “Facebook Vacation” could actually help you feel less stressed, check out this article from the folks a Berkley University

The 5 W’s of Healthy Eating Habits

You already know What choices are better for you. But you still aren’t making them.

Ready to explore the who, what, when, where, why and how of achieving your goals to eat better?

WHO: Are you making changes to your eating patterns for yourself or for someone else? If the answer is someone else, such as a significant other who wants you to eat more like them, a family member who disagrees with your choices, the healthcare professional who warns you of impending doom, or even the media that insists you should be eating the latest superfood, you will struggle to meet their expectations. Not only will changing your eating habits be a battle, the effects can ripple out in the form of anxiety, self judgement, or anger. Any of these feelings will have more negative effect on your health than a poor eating choice. Only you can decide if changing your eating pattern is something that is right for you.

WHAT: OK, so you have a pretty good idea of what choices are better for you. I think we all agree that fresh, whole foods from the produce, meat, and dairy sections of the store are best choices to make up the majority of what goes into our mouths. So if you aren’t making these choices, the question is what beliefs do you have around them that stops you? Too expensive, hard, boring? Being different from the crowd? Where did these beliefs come from? If they no longer serve you, why do you cling to them?

WHEN: If you eat when you are hungry, score a point! If you eat too often when you are bored, sad, lonely, stressed, or pressured by others, you are more likely to make poor food choices and your health will suffer for it. Our bodies are designed to be “batch processors”. What this means is that one batch of food should be fully digested and absorbed before the next batch is eaten, generally 2-4 hours.

WHERE: We all “Dashboard Dine” from time to time. That’s a part of modern, 1st world life for a lot of people. But really, the environment where you eat is important. Your body has a hard time properly digesting food and taking in nourishment if you are eating in an overstimulating atmosphere. At least stop the car someplace where there is an interesting view, and turn off the engine. Ideally, meals are eaten in a place set aside for the purpose of dining. Your home kitchen of course, and also the workplace break room, or a picnic table in the park. The point is to step away from the days activity and take some time for self care in a place that allows your body to relax and lower it’s defenses

WHY: Which phrase do you agree with more? “Eat to live”, or  “live to eat”? Is food simply fuel to get you through the day, or more of an indulgence to look forward to? What is the motivation behind the food choices you make? Is it so you can have more energy to do the things you love? Is it to lose weight? Is your goal to stay out of the doctors office by keeping your body healthy?

HOW: Standing up? Watching TV? Doing office work? Giving your attention away from the food in front of you takes away the pleasure that a meal can bring. Worse, the body doesn’t get the signal that it’s been fed. How many times have you looked down to discover the plate is empty and you don’t really remember eating the food? Having some kind of ritual, no matter how brief, can help bring your focus to the act you are about to perform. Taking a moment to feel gratitude for the food in front of you, for example. Or my personal favorite, contemplating all the people and steps involved in the food reaching your plate.

By simply becoming Aware each of these 5 W’s you are already beginning a new habit. Take the next step and begin to consciously choose to change one “W” at a time and watch your healthy eating habits begin to grow!

Quality Sleep

–Quality Sleep: is critical to our health and well-being. Over 40 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, leading to poor focus, irritability, and weight gain. Don’t kid yourself, adults need 7-8 hours of actual sleep (not just lying bed) nightly to allow the body to repair and replenish itself. Practice good sleep hygiene with these 5 tips:

  1. Turn off internet, TV, or games at least an hour before sleep time. The blue light from screens delays the melatonin cycle that triggers restful sleep.
  2. Keep a regular routine for sleep and waking up. A consistent sleep cycle helps the body regulate itself more effectively. Try keeping your sleep/ wake times within an hour each day for 3 weeks and see what differences you notice.
  3. Finish your last meal (including snacking) 3 hours or more before sleeping. Give the stomach time to actively digest dinner and absorb the food before going into fasting mode.
  4. Establish a ritual to wind down your day. Enjoy a cup of tea and reflect on successes and gratitudes from the day (better yet, write down 3 things you are happy about). Even if its 10 minutes for yourself, take it!
  5. Keep the bedroom for sleeping. Banish the TV and computer! Minimizing electronics in the bedroom has been shown to improve the quality of sleep so your body gets more benefits from the repair and replenish cycle.


Still having trouble getting a good nights rest from time to time?

Daily meditation improves sleep.

Meditation can help.








So can acupuncture.

Emotions Vs Feelings

Emotions are energy in motion. It is important to distiguish between Emotions and Feelings so you can manage them both. Here are the primary emotions and an associated feeling for each:

Sadness/lonely Joy/confident Anger /dissatisfied Love/ tolerant Fear/stressed Peace/calm

Emotions and associated Feelings

Adopting these habits will help you become a more Emotionally Healthy person:

Focus on the Positive – Look at what is working for you and dwell on that. See solutions rather than obstacles; look at what you are able to do and what is in your control.

Surround yourself with other Positive people – Avoid listening to complainers and negative people. These people are an energy drain, don’t be willing to let them exhaust your own vitality. Look for people who smile and laugh more often.

Set Boundaries and be Assertive when necessary – Guard your time and commitments. Know when you need to say no.

Be willing to Let Go of the Past – Look to the possibilities of the future rather than cling to something that didn’t work out. If it was such a bummer the first time around, why relive it over and over again?

Look for ways to Make Life Fun and Interesting – Whether in the workplace, at home, or with friends, know what makes you happy and choose to do more of that! Do what you can to brighten someone else’s day.

Wisely Choose How to Expend your Energy – Let go of anger about others may have treated you. Rather, use the incident as awareness how not to let it happen again.

Continually Learn and Grow towards independence – Be a lifelong learner open to new ideas. Learn to trust yourself and your and judgment to make the best decisions for You.

It’s All in your Attitude!

Ever been told you have a great attitude?


Well let’s change that right now!

The way we look at a situation, our attitude about it, determines how easy or hard that situation is for us to handle. If you are experiencing challenges in adopting new healthier habits, this list of affirmations is for you. If you are succeeding at reaching your health goals and want to keep it that way, this list is also for you!

Since our thoughts create our reality, affirmations work because they help keep our thoughts focused on the experience we wish to draw into our lives. Say them out loud whenever possible. Put emotion behind them always.


I Create My Life, I Create the exact level of my health and wellness.

I take time for myself every day.

I play the wellness game to win. My intention is to create an exceptional quality of life.

I admire and model vibrant and healthy people.

I believe that great health is important. Eating right is freedom and makes life more enjoyable.

I stay healthy and strong doing what I love.

I watch what I eat because I choose to, not because I have to.

I am truly grateful for all the health I have now.

Healthy choices always come my way.

I am willing to constantly learn and grow.

My capacity to create, keep, and enjoy my well-being expands day by day.

© 2017 Tom Castrigno

3 Keys to making a Fresh Start with your Diet

Well it’s that time the year again when people all around the world just like you proclaim they are going to be better eaters. In fact, eating better, or losing weight is the number one New Year’s resolution. So what does it take to make this time around different.? Before you attempt to make a start, you need to feel confident that you will succeed. There are three things that will help you build your confidence. The first, is to really get clear on why you want to change your eating habit’s. Next, a sound knowledge of the foods you want to include is needed. Finally, you’ll need to get comfortable with the skills that will make your time in the kitchen relaxing and enjoyable.

Colorful cooked fish fillet

Fast and Healthy Thai Fish Recipe

So why do you want to change your eating habits? Is it the ever popular lose weight? Perhaps your goal is to save money by cooking at home more often. If you’re like me, then good eating habits are as much about staying out of the doctor’s office and having the health and energy to enjoy my favorite activities. The important thing is to have a motivation that is meanigful to you. Doing anything just because you should is a recipe for failure.


bowl of oatmeal

Curried oatmeal with coconut and extra fiber

The reasons for losing weight are truly wide ranging. Everyone has their own goals and I won’t go into those here. Rather, some of the tactics that can be used to achieve weight loss make for a more interesting discussion. First and foremost is connecting an intention with an activity. So for example, if your intention is to balance your blood sugar and the activity is a sprinkling of cinnamon on your oatmeal, that sends a strong signal to your body of an expected outcome.


Another example might be the improvement of digestion by focusing on food combining. Vegetables and proteins are far more easily digested together than say, meatloaf and mashed potatoes. So if you were to choose a cooked leafy green vegetable, such as spinach, and combine that with a piece of grilled salmon and hold the intention that the meal will be easily digestible for you, then you are helping your body to more effectively absorb and utilize the nutrients in the food.


Once you have a specific measurable goal, such as saving money by cooking at home three nights a week, the next step is to focus on a specific foods you want to prepare. In our house, there are always leafy greens of some type in the fridge. Kale is very popular, also escarole and spinach. Other staples in the fridge include red bell pepper, zucchini, carrots, onions, ginger, and jalapeno. All of these allow for enough combinations to keep things interesting enough.


Indian Menu of Chana Masala Cabbage Sabzi Butternut Puree

Indian Menu of Chana Masala Cabbage Sabzi Butternut Puree

For proteins by wife and I tend to eat a lot of chicken, fish, and even beans. We might stir fry some chicken with ginger and broccoli. My wife loves a simple fish curry made with onion, turmeric, and coconut milk. I mentioned escarole earlier. This mildly bitter flavored leafy green pairs especially well with white beans.


Tying all of this together are the kitchen skills that make cooking fast and easy. You will need to get comfortable with an 8 inch Chef knife. This is an indispensable tool in so many ways. From slicing bell peppers to chopping onions to mincing garlic your chef’s knife will become your best friend. Learning specific cuts such as Julianne will also help you give variety to the appearance of your dishes.

Holding a knife properly helps it do the work for you.

Holding a knife properly helps it do the work for you.

Getting comfortable with a few key cooking techniques will also give you the confidence to successfully adopt new eating habits. For example, steaming vegetables is a great first step that speeds up cooking times. One of Kathy’s favorite ways to enjoy broccoli is to first lightly steam it, then sauté it in olive oil with a little bit of garlic and some julienned sun-dried tomatoes. What I really want to make her smile, I topped the dish with a few toasted pine nuts.


Poaching is another simple technique worth getting familiar with. It’s really just a fancy word for cooking food in liquid just below the boiling point. My favorite way to prepare fish, such as Tilapia, is to poach it over a bed of vegetables ( https://www.theconfidencediet.com/412/ ). I might start by getting some cabbage, carrot, and ginger going in a pan on the stove. Then add a splash of chicken stock, and lay the fish on top. Cover it and let it cook for about eight minutes. A splash of soy sauce and a sprinkle of chopped cilantro add a sparkling finish.


This year can be different for you. Arm yourself with a strong motivator, a clear idea of the foods you wish to begin including in your meals, and a few key practical skills. Maybe even enlist the help of a friend or two who share your vision, and watch how your confidence, and therefore your success, grows throughout the year.

Gratitude Leads to Happiness

Even when time are challenging we can all find something to be grateful for. Even if it is as simple as a safe drive to the grocery store.  Studies show that people who recognize gratitude on a daily basis also feel happiness more often and more easily.

A gratitude journal is a great tool in maintaining an “Attitude of Gratitude”. Each night I write 3 things I am grateful for. Just a sentence or two is all it takes. Try it, and see how it affects you and the people around you.

Yours truly has contributed two essays to a #1 “Hot New Release” on Amazon. The Gratitude Book Project is a collection of 365 essays to inspire you each day. Perfect to read together with a friend or loved one.  Sales proceeds will support important non-profits.

 See it on Amazon Here:

Cover of the Gratitude Book Project on Amazon THE GRATITUDE BOOK PROJECT: 


is a #1 “Hot New Release” on Amazon.com.”

Here is one of the essays. The book is full of short, sweet stories like this:

I am grateful for what my grandparents taught me about sharing meals. When I was growing up, I had an “aha moment” about food.

It came on a Sunday afternoon when I was eleven years old. I was seated at the table in my grandparent’s dining room. As we had done for years, three generations (11 of us all together) gathered to share a Sunday dinner. Noni and Grandpa had both immigrated from Italy and brought their deep cultural roots here to America.

I suddenly realized the food on the table was wholesome, real food, prepared from the heart to feed all of us there. From that day, I have embraced the belief that the meals we eat should be fresh, real food that is as close as possible to how it is raised. Whenever possible, meals should be shared in a spirit of fellowship and gratitude. This belief has served me well and has kept me healthy for many years. I have found that sharing meals in a peaceful environment makes them much more enjoyable and, in my opinion, more nourishing in many ways.

As much as anything, I am grateful for you, dear readers.

Thanks for taking time out of your day to visit The Confidence Diet.


The Month of Love!  Celebrate Valentines Day with lots of Healthy Habits. You might even fall in love, with yourself! 🙂

Featured Food:


Food (2)


Food (3)


Physical Activity:



Let’s get this New Year off to a great start!  Below are tips for preparing and storing the foods featured in The Confidence Diet Calendar:

Grapefruit –

Choose fruit that feels heavy for it’s size. Store in a cool, dry place.

ruby red grapefruit

Start your day with cut grapefruit

  • Wedges – the simplest way is to use a grapefruit knife to cut wedges loose for easy spooning


  • Mixed with ricotta and honey – Once you have the wedges, toss with a mixture of ricotta and honey.
  • In your water – Add wedges to your water bottle. For a pitcher of water, just slice the grapefruit skin and all!

Winter Citrus Salad recipe:



Collard Greens –

Choose large, smooth, firm leaves. Store wrapped in plastic bag in the veggie bin of your fridge.

bowl of sauteed collards

A delicious side dish

  • Sauté with garlic and ginger
  • Stir into Soups
  • Use as a wrap for cooked chicken
  • Cook in with rice






Brussels Sprouts –

Choose tight heads with a deep green color.  Store in a paper bag in the veggie bin of your fridge.

Brussels Sprouts side dish

Fast, Easy and delicious!


  • Caramelized with onions (with balsamic, maple, Dijon, garlic dressing)
  • Skewers with prosciutto
  • Oven Roasted
  • Slice and Steam with Fennel Seeds





Get MOVING! Embrace winter by getting outside for

Sledding at the local park

Ice Skating


Cross Country Skiing



Featured Veggies:

Radish – Heart Healthy

Carrots – Heart Healthy, Aids Digestion

Arugula – Anit-Inflamatory, Aids Digestion, Immune Booster, Heart Healthy

Radishes are great on salads, of course. Try adding them to stir frys or tossing them into a bowl of Quinoa for extra Sparkle!